Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mishoen 1 - Round 5

Goofy is 40, Fen is 43, Nio is 14 and Tina is 4
Fen: Since dad died, I haven't opened the fitness center, there simply wasn't time, Tina took all of my free time, and lately I have been talking with Nio too.
We also placed a large order at Rai Arts, and they called us to tell us it was ready. I have to admit, that Berend-guy really is an amazing painter!
Than, one morning, Goofy surprised me, by getting on one knee and taking out a little box. It was so out of the blue! I never expected this. I also never expected to say yes, but, again to my surprise, I did!
There was no time to think about it too much, because I just decided to reopen the fitness center. I ordered some new equipment, and it was finally delivered. The customers really liked it.
Nio and Tina are doing fine too. I still don't spend much time with Nio, but he seems OK with it. He's constantly busy on the computer, chatting. When Goofy or I don't have the time to help Tina, he takes up on him to do that.
Soon, it was the big day. Goofy and I got married. We didn't go to the new church, instead with got married at the Town Square Chapel. I think we were the last ones to get married there, because it's going to be rebuild.
The day after the wedding, Nio asked me to talk with him. He wanted to discus his future. I really don't care what he does, but he insisted. He told me, he met some one on the internet, she lives in Upper SimsVille, and once he becomes an adult he wants to move in with her.
So, he did as he said. The moment he became an adult, he left. Goofy always spend more time with Nio, but he was also happy to finally have out little family. Tina on the other hand, was sad to see her brother leave.


  1. Wow, have Nio and his internet girlfriend met in person yet?

  2. They did, and to my suprise they got along really well. That's why he's moving in as her boyfriend. My first plan was to move him is as just a roommate, but since they get along so well ....
