I used to give my sims any job I wanted them to have, whether or not is was suited for that sim. I also used to give them the job of their LTW, wich sometimes really didn't fit that specific sim. I tried giving them the the job they rolled, but since I don't think an art-degree is suitable if you want to be a doctor, I had to start looking for another way to give my sims jobs.
And so I found this amazing system for choosing careers that Apple Valley created for Maxis careerd, and that Sullivan sims adjusted for custom careers, and I love it! I've been using it ever since, and it's been a great help.
I use the exact same system those amazing bloggers created, with some really minor adjustments. I use it for my teens, young adults and new adults. This means that sims who already had jobs before I started using this system, might not be in the right career for them, but I'm not going to change every sims' career.
As said this list is merely a copy/paste-job from the others, but I wanted it all on one page.
Personality: Active
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Culture, weather
Hobbies: Fitness, sports
Optional Degree: Literatur
Personality: Serious
Aspiration: Knowledge
Interests: Environment
Hobbies: Arts and crafts, tinkering
Required Degree: Architecture, mathemtics, history, physics
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Pleasure, family
Interests: Culture, Entertainment, Fashion
Hobbies: Arts & Crafts
Optional Degree: Art
Personality: Active, outgoing
Aspiration: Fortune, popularity
Interests: Sports
Hobbies: Sports, fitness
Optional Degree: Sport
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Family, knowledge
Interests: Culture, entertainment, school
Hobbies: Film and literature
Degree: None
Auto Mechanics
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Family, popularity
Interests: n/a
Hobbies: Tinkering
Degree: None
Personality: Active
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Culture, entertainment
Hobbies: Fitness, sports, music and dance
Optional Degree: Performing arts, dance
Personality: Outgoing
Aspiration: Popularity, pleasure, romance
Interests: Food, entertainment, culture
Hobbies: Cuisine
Degree: None
Broadcast Journalism
Personality: Outgoing, active
Aspiration: Fortune, popularity
Interests: n/a
Hobbies: Film and literature
Optional Degree: Jourlism, literature, drama
Personality: Serious, outgoing
Aspiration: Fortune, family
Interests: Money, work
Hobbies: n/a
Required Degree: Economics
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Popularity, pleasure
Interests: Food, entertainment
Hobbies: Cuisine
Degree: None
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Family
Interests: n/a
Hobbies: n/a
Degree: None
Personality: Active
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Environment, work
Hobbies: Tinkering
Optional Degree: Mathemetics, physics, mathematics
Convinience Store
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Pleasure
Interests: Food, toys
Hobbies: n/a
Degree: None
Counseling Psychology
Personality: Nice, serious
Aspiration: Family, knowledge
Interests: Health
Hobbies: n/a
Required Degree: Psychology
Personality: Active, mean
Aspiration: Fortune
Interests: Crime, money
Hobbies: Fitness
Degree: None
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Food
Hobbies: Cuisine
Optional Degree: Cullinary arts
Personality: Active
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Culture, entertainment
Hobbies: Fitness, sports, music and dance
Optional Degree: Performing arts, dance
Personality: Outgoing
Aspiration: Knowledge, family
Interests: School, toys
Hobbies: Science
Required Degree: Education, literature, mathematics
Personality: Active, outgoing
Aspiration: Fortune, popularity
Interests: Culture, entertainment
Hobbies: Music and dance, film and literature
Optional Degree: Drama, performing arts
Estate Agent
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Fortune, family
Interests: Environment
Hobbies: n/a
Optinal Degree: Intirior design
Events Planner
Personality: Neat, playful, outgoing, active
Aspiration: Popularity, fortune, pleasure, romance
Interests: Culture, entertainment, food
Hobbies: Cuisine
Optional Degree: Cullinary arts
Fashion Designer
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Popularity, fortune, pleasure, romance
Interests: Culture, entertainment, fashion
Hobbies: Arts and crafts
Optional Degree: Fashion
Figure Skater
Personality: Active
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Sports, fashion, culture
Hobbies: Sports, fitness
Optional Degree: Sports
Fire Service
Personality: Active, nice
Aspiration: Family, romance, popularity
Interests: Crime, work, health, weather
Hobbies: Fitness, sports
Degree: None
Game Development
Personality: Playful, shy
Aspiration: Knowledge, pleasure
Interests: Toys, entertainment, work
Hobbies: Games, science, tinkering
Required Degree: Any
Personality: Playful
Aspiration: Pleasure
Interests: Toys
Hobbies: Games
Degree: None
Personality: Neat, active
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Environment, weather
Hobbies: Nature
Degree: None
Graphic Design
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Knowledge
Interests: Entertainment, culture, fasion
Hobbies: Arts and crafts, science
Required Degree: Art
Personality: Neat, outgoing
Aspiration: Family, pleasure, popularity
Interests: Fashion
Hobbies: Arts and Crafts
Degree: None
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Knowledge
Interests: Work, travel
Hobbies: Film and literature, tinkering, science
Required Degree: Biology, mathematics, physics
Interior Design
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Popularity, fortune, pleasure
Interests: Fashion, environment
Hobbies: Arts and crafts
Required Degree: Art, mathematics, interior desing
Personality: Outgoing
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Travel, weather, work
Hobbies: Film and literature
Optional Degree: Literature, journalism
Personality: Outgoing, serious
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Crime
Hobbies: Film and literature
Required Degree: Law, economics
Law Enforcement
Personality: Active, serious
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Crime
Hobbies: Fitness, sports
Degree: None
Personality: Shy, serious
Aspiration: Family, knowledge
Interests: Culture, work, school
Hobbies: Film and literature, science
Optional Degree: Any
Personality: Serious, neat
Aspiration: Fortune, knowledge
Interests: Health
Hobbies: Fitness
Required Degree: Biology, physics
Personality: Active
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Work
Hobbies: Fitness, sports
Degree: None
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Pleasure, romance, popularity
Interests: Fashion, entertainment
Hobbies: n/a
Optional Degree: Fashion
Music (classical/hip hop/jazz/pop)
Personality: Outgoing
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Culture, entertainment, fashion
Hobbies: Music and dance
Optional Degree: Music
Natural Science
Personality: Neat, serious
Aspiration: Knowledge
Interests: Animals, Environment, weather
Hobbies: Science, tinkering, nature
Required Degree: Biology, mathematics
Personality: Active, serious
Aspiration: Knowledge
Interests: Animals, environment, weather
Hobbies: Fitness, nature, science
Required Degree: Biology
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Knowledge
Interests: Paranormal, sci-fi
Hobbies: Science, tinkering
Degree: None
Pest Control
Personality: Neat
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Animals
Hobbies: n/a
Degree: None
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Fortune, romance, popularity, pleasure
Interests: Entertainment, culture, fashion
Hobbies: Arts and crafts
Degree: None
Pizza Delivery
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Pleasure, popularity
Interests: Food
Hobbies: Cuisine
Degree: None
Personality: Outgoing, serious
Aspiration: Fortune, popularity
Interests: Politics
Hobbies: n/a
Required Degree: Political science
Post Office
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Weather, animals
Hobbies: n/a
Degree: None
Personality: Outoging
Aspiration: Fortune
Interests: Entertainment, work
Hobbies: Film and literature
Optional degree: Journalism, literature
Personality: n/a
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Work, toys
Hobbies: Tinkering
Degree: None
Rock Star
Personality: Outgoing
Aspiration: Popularity
Interests: Culture, entertainment, fashion
Hobbies: Music and dance
Optional Degree: Music
Personality: Neat, serious
Aspiration: Knoweldge
Interests: Animals, environment, weather
Hobbies: Science, tinkering, nature
Required Degree: Physics
Show Business
Personality: Outgoing, Active
Aspiration: Fortune, popularity
Interests: Culture, entertainment, fashion
Hobbies: Film and literature
Optional Degree: Drama
Personality: Outgoing, playful
Aspiration: Pleasure
Interests: Travel, toys
Hobbies: Film and literature, games
Degree: None
Social Worker
Personality: Nice
Aspiration: Family
Interests: Crime, school, health
Hobbies: n/a
Required Degree: Political science, psychology
Taxi Driving
Personality: Outgoing, lazy
Aspiration: Family, popularity, pleasure
Interests: Travel, politics, weather
Hobbies: n/a
Degree: None
TV Personality
Personality: Outgoing, active
Aspiration: Fortune, popularity
Interests: n/a
Hobbies: Film and literature
Optional Degree: Journalism, literature, drama
Personality: Nice
Aspiration: Knowledge, family
Interests: Animals
Hobbies: Science, Nature
Required Degree: Biology, mathematics, physics
Personality: Shy
Aspiration: Knowledge, family
Interests: Entertainment, culture
Hobbies: Film and literature
Optional Degree: Literature
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