Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Zanobi 2 - Spring 2011

Last update/Next update

The Zanobi Family
Dimitri is 29, Andrea is 31, Matthew is 6 and Marlys is 2
Andrea: I love spring-time; a time of blooming flowers and trees, a time to just sit and watch nature, without it being too hot to enjoy it.
I can also enjoy the weekends, although I miss going to work. Dimitri still opens the shop in the weekends, but he tries to be with the kids before he has to go. He melts when Marlys smiles at him when he takes her out of her crib.
But soon enough he has to leave to open the shop. He's thinking about hiring someone to restock, because it's getting a little bit too much to do on his own. Selling the products, handling the cash register, and in the mean time keeping the shelfs filled. I think he has to wait a little bit longer, maybe Matthew will help him in a few years, and at the moment he can still handle it.
When Dimitri is gone, I try to play with both kids as much as I can. Playing with Marlys isn't that hard, she's happy with every bit of attention you give her. Matthew on the other hand is a little bit harder to satisfy.
He has come to an age where playing with his mom isn't cool anymore. So he invites friends over to play with. His best friend at the moment is Morgan Penninkmeijer, he's 2 years younger, but they seem to have a lot of fun together.
On sunday I forced Dimitri to take Matthew to the playground. The boy has been asking for it like forever, and I didn't want Dimitri to open the shop today. Despite the fact that there are hardly any adults at the playground, both Dimitri and Matthew had an amazing time. Matthew couldn't stop talking about it when he came home!
When the boys where out, I enjoyed my last moments with my little girl, soon she will be 4 and not too long after that she will thing playing with mom isn't cool either.
That same night Marlys had her 4th birthday. This time Dimitri was home to celebrate with the rest of the family.
Now the Marlys is a child too, Dimitri wants to have a familyporstrait. His parents had one taken when their sons were both teens, and we have a copy of that one in our livingroom. I have to admit, I like it, I really do, so I think we will have one taken of our family too, but I don't know when exactly.

1 comment:

  1. They've got a great house, from what I can see of it!

    Aww, it's hard for the parents when the kids no longer think they're cool!
