Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birthdays - September 2021

Even though Ingrid has been busy with pregnancyconsults lately, it's hasn't been as busy as last year, so she has been able to occasionally take the day off and spend it with Oscor, who's just learing to walk, and is a joy to be around.

But being pregnant and having to run around after 1-year old, can be very tiring, so nap-times are very welcome sometimes.
Those nap-times are the most fun when Claus is around, then they're able to spend it together, and talk about the new baby soon joining their family next March.

  • Like so many others, I redid their house, but since I don't post updates on them, I'm not sure it's noticable. With the crashing-problem I'm having, I tried recreating a new Simmeria, so I had to move every one, and I like their house much more now :)
  • This baby will be second one born in my new round, at the moment it seems like I won't have another babyboom like I had this round, but it's like Maisie said in my last post: "It is Simsville after all, no one can drink from that water too long before getting the baby bump."


  1. I don't know if your hood could take another baby boom like the one you had last round, lol! It's a good thing they're all so cute. ;)

    I love what I can see of the house, by the way!

    1. Mabye my hood can, but I don't know if I survive another one like that :) There are a lot of young couples so I think there will still be a lot of babies :)

      I'm glad you like the house.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Haha! How fun, you quoted me! I'm excited for Ingrid's baby and to see if it's as cute as Oscar. I'm sure she's dead on her feet working all those hours and having the little guy at home to keep her running.

    1. I loved that comment, and with the babyboom I've had it's kind of true :)

      I'm hoping he/she will be as cute as Oscar.
      It's a good thing things have calmed down a little bit for Ingrid.

      Thanks for reading!

  3. I love the front (or is it the back) area with the flowers and patio where they were playing. Can't wait to see the new baby

    1. It's their back terrace you see in the pictures. I'll try to post a tour some time so you can see more of the house.

      Thanks for reading!
