Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lillig 1 - December 2018

The Lillig Family
Berend is 58, Larissa is 60
(Elisa de Leeuw is 23, Harald Jaser is 26 and Madeleine Rai is 20)
Narrated by Larissa

Monday, April 25, 2011

Birthdays - December 2018

Anna Min just entered her second trimester, and is practising her parentting skills on Bethany, Bai's daughter whenever she comes over.
She's still in college and is finding it a little bit hard to combine it with her pregnancy, she's a little bit afraid of how things will be once the baby is born, but she's handling it at the moment.
Annie Tora is a little bit closer to welcoming her baby. She only has to wait 3 more months and is at the hosptial for her check-up with doctor Carette, who informes her everything is going according to plan.

  • I know I'm a little bit late with the update, it was suposed to be up this morning, but apparently I hadn't wirtten it yet, even though I was sure I had. Anyway here it is :)
  • I'm looking forward to these babies, but I'm always looking forward to babies so that's nothing new. Anna is due in June and Annie is due in March, only one month later than her sister, Abby.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Belio 1 - November 2018

Last update/Next update

The Belio Family
Bram is 44, Ling is 43 and Stephan and Steven are 10
(Yin Mokara is 43)
Narrated by Bram

Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthdays - November 2018

Only 3 more months and Abby will be holding her baby in her arms. The res of the family is as excited about it as the young couple. Abby asked her mother and pregnant sister to come along to her check-up. Dr Carette tells them everything is alright with the baby and that she will have a healthy baby.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

de Leeuw 1 - October 2018

Elisa's last update/Elisa and Harald's next update/Kenneth's next update

The de Leeuw Family
Harald Jaser is 26, Elisa de Leeuw is 23 and Kenneth Warner is 22
(Lawrence Penninkmeijer is 23)
 Narrated by Kenneth

Monday, April 11, 2011

SVU B - September 2018

SimsVille University
Jason Savage and Mario Burrie are 19, Magda Kievits and Niels Bleek are 18
(Tina Mishoen is 17)
Narrated by Jason

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SVU A - September 2018

SimsVille University
Johanna Belio is 20 and Anna Min is 19
(Quan Mins is 48, Chu Min is 47 Bai Zang is 26 and Jack Penninkmeijer is 22)
Narrated by Johanna

Monday, April 4, 2011

Birthdays - September 2018

Annie and Erik Tora are looking forward to the birth of their 1st child, only one month later that Annie's twin sister, Abby, they will welcome the newest addition to their family. Unfortunatly this won't be untill Februari 2019.
Over in SimsVille, Lewis is really excited to welcome yet another brother. Lillte Micheal Mishoen is the first of Tika and Xiang's children to inherrit Tika's pale skintone. He has black hair, just like his 2 older brothers, Lewis and Josh.
Kristianne Spits is a little bit sad to see her youngest one turn one. Emily looks a lot like her older brother, Peter. Kristianne is hoping she can convince Richard to have another child, but she's not too hopefull about it.

  • I think I've said it before, but I'm really looking forward to Annie and Abby's babies. It's nice that they will have children only a month apart, and it would be nice to see them grow up together.
  • Despite all my hoping and praying for a girl for Tika and Xiang, the game desided otherwise, as always I guess. I'm kind of excited though, because of Michael's pale skintone, he's the only baby in the hood so far to have that skintone.
  • As a true family sim, Kristianne immidiatly rolled the want for another child the moment Emily turnd 1. I don't know if they will be having any more children, since they hardly have the money for the ones they already have; and Richard reached his ideal family size with the birth of Emily, which is 2 children, Kristianne's ideal family size is 6 :)