With the babyroom finished Nio and Stella Terrano are well prepared for the arrival of their second child next February.
Over at the Verbon household Mia is taking these last months home to spend some quality time with her daughters. They will have to share the attention a little bit more once their little brother or sister will be born next January.
At the Spits home, Kristianne doesn't have to wait much longer to hold her little bundle of joy. After breakfast...
... and a shower, she feels her time has come.
Not long after she went into labor, she's holding little Emily Spits.
- I know it's a lousy birth, and I didn't to much to make it better. But my hospital didn't function anymore, and I didn't have the patience to wait untill I got it fixed (thank you Maisie!), so it was a homebirth for Kristianne, and Richard wasn't even home for it!
Anyway, Anabelle's wish (and mine) for a little sister has been granted. I think Emily hope look like her brother, Peter, she has brown hair and I'm really happy with that! Too many black haired sims walking around already. But in Emily's case's it's not so hard, her father has brown hair and her mother has red.
- I'm kind of anxious to meet the new arrivals! I wonder if the Terrano's will have another greenskinned child, if so I'm hoping for a boy, in any case I'm hoping it will be a boy. And for the Verbon's I'm hoping for a boy as well. But you'll see, I have been hoping for girls for the last briths, and it all were boys, so I'm pretty sure the game will not give me what I wish for :)