Thursday, February 27, 2014

Birthdays - April 2025

Only 1 birthday this month and it's Florian Min's birthday, Chu and Quan's youngest son.

  • I think Florian is going to be interesting to watch when he grows up. Especially since I don't have any one else to base his genetics on. I'm sure he's not going to look much like his older siblings, Anna or Benny :)


  1. Florian is a cutie, excited he had his birthday so quickly!

  2. He's a cutie! Do you use replacement face templates or the EA ones? He actually reminds me a lot of Natalie Clarke in my hood, who I'm fairly sure is a standard EA template (don't know why, as I've used replacement templates for as long as I've had Sullivan but there you go).

  3. Maisie I'm glad he had his birthday so quickly as well :)
    I really like how he looks too, can't wait to watch him grow up!

    Thanks for reading!

    Carla I don't use replacements for the face templates, so it's possible he and Natalie look a like since they are both EA :)
    I'm not unhappy with the EA faces, at least not at the moment, so I never bothered to find good replacements.

    Thanks for reading!
