Sunday, September 30, 2012

Education - February 2023

Simmeria High School
Principal/teacher: Hans Mokara is 51
Teacher: Melissa Mertens is 22
Subject teachters: Gabriëlle and Laura Penninkmeijer are 21
Students: Collin Wagtmans and Julian Zanobi are 12, Camden Wagtmans and Malcolm Landgraab are 13, Stephan and Steven Belio and Marlys Zanobi are 15 and Morgan Penninkmeijer and Emma Zanobi are 17
Narrated by Hans
I was really glad that Melissa decided to teach high school. We can definatly use another teacher over here. She did a great job 2 years ago so I was really excited to welcome her back.
She's great with her class, and she's able to get their attention, which really isn't the easiest job with 15- to 17-year olds. She's even able to keep the focussed during ducissions.
And she makes time explain things to studenst who have some more questions. I can tell the students like her as well. They're not always as concentrated but which student really is?
Most of the students even don't mind when she sits with them during lunch-hour.
Even though we both love standing in frong ot the class I can safely say that we both love it that we can hand over the kids for their art- and music-classes. I wouldn't mind giving the art-classes myself although I'm not very artsy.
I do love music a lot, but giving those classes is a real chore. Most of the students actually think they're good, when most of the time they're not at all! I don't envy Laura at all for that task.
We don't have a gymteacher, and I've been thinking about hiring one, but I'm not sure yet.
 Most of the students are more intersted in the gymappliances anyway.
I think they like the part where they are all in the lockerroom together the most. They can stay there for hours if I don't go and get them.
When they have a free period both Melissa and I encourage them to study in the library, which they actually do.
At least sometimes, sometimes they just hang out in the hallways, to chat and kick a ball to eachother.
And the library sometimes is used for totally different things than its purpose. Melissa and I have to patrol a lot during those periods!
Since there's only 2 of us teacher around here, I don't have much time to do the paperwork. So breaks, lunches and free periods I ussually spend in my office trying to catch up with things.

  • It's been a while since my last update, but I haven't gotten around to writing at all last week! I'm ahead with playing so all I have to do is write, but I don't seem to have time for it :(
  • I know the update isn't that great, but there never is anything interesting to say about the things going on in my high school. I'm always jealous of any one else's!
  • This school is going to be in need of a teacher soon, but there's no one at the moment who's studying to become a teacher. So I think I might do what I did when my elementary school needed a teacher, and just pick some one.
  • After seeing Carla's post on her new high school, I'm also rethinking of redoing mine, but I like the look of mine, so I'm not sure yet. But everything Carla has said she wants in her school I'm lacking in mine, and there's no place to add it all. I'm redoing my elementary school first, so I still have some time to think about it.


  1. I found your update interesting! Your school looks very good to me, and I am sure you'll find a good teacher among your Sims :-)

  2. I sometimes add non playables if I need more teachers. One thing I've done with my schools is make a list of events, like dances, university previews, field trips, etc and when there isn't enough drama from students, I let them do one of these things. Keeps it interesting for me :)

  3. A new teacher! Melissa would be very welcome indeed, I'm sure. I never realised what a young staff you have at the high school - all the teachers in their early 20s, apart from Hans!

    Ha, the locker room! That was the only part of PE I ever liked, lol! Just did nothing but gossip in there! I can sympathise with the boys there.

    LOL, making out in the library! I was wondering why my teens never did that and then I realised they don't have any couches in there! I could add some but I don't know if I want to open myself up to the full range of ACR action on my school lots. ;) Do they ever try to woohoo at school?

  4. Wow on the make out session at the library sofa! That's no good! The gym looks great, and I can relate to the locker room. Melissa seems like she will be a good addition to the school.

  5. Librarian I like my school as well, but there are some more things I want to include, and I just don't have the space for it at the moment. And when all those kids from my elementary school enter high school I don't think there are enough classrooms, but we'll see for now, first on my to-do list is my elementary school.

    Thanks for reading!

    Apple Valley I already have a lot of playable NPC's but I could do that, add another family, thanks for the idea! And that list is another great idea! I've just done the university preview, but there are so many other thins I could add! Again thank you for the tip!

    Thanks for reading!

    Carla Laura and Gabriëlle also teach at my elementary school, but they have other jobs. They only teach music and art, but they are very young, they didn't attend college.
    I was never a huge PE-fan myself, but I was a huge fan of the lockerroom, so I had to have a shot there :)
    I'm think of taking the couch out, I don't want any teenpregnancy's because of it :)
    I don't think I ever had the teens woohoo at school, but my teens hardly to that autonomous.

    Thanks for reading!

    Maisie I'm pretty happy there weren't any babies concieved on that couch, just yet :)
    I can relate to the lockerroom myself, so it had to be included :)

    Thanks for reading!

  6. Your update is way better than mine. I stopped doing school updates because I didn't know what to write or what to do. I always wanted to use this time to have them build their skills. I loved the update!
