Monday, June 17, 2013

N99 - May Forum Project - Community lot conversion Avon Avenue

The May Forum Project at N99 was a make over of a residential lot (the Veronaville Villa) to a community lot.
I was really glad with this project, especially since I was able to participate because  I had 2 weeks off from work.
When I saw the top down view of the ground floor, I immidiatly thought to make it into something 'mall'-like, and so I did.
And this is the result. I hope I didn't break any rule by resizing the lot in lotadjuster, it was a little bit too big to fit in my hood, and I don't like those big empy space maxis created with a lot of their lots.

There's a playground for the children, a comic book store, clothing store, arcade, flower shop, a card room and a restaurant.

The courrtyard from 2 different angles

Different sides of the hallways (and I now realise that some parts are still in desperate need of some decoration)

Comic book store

Women's restroom

Clothing store

The restaurant kitchen (which I hope doesn't give problems with the restaurant being upstairs)

The arcade

Flower shop (since I know sims don't buy flower when the lot isn't owned by some one I placed in a decorative cash register)

Men's restroom

The card room (I know this isn't standard in a mall, but I like this room so much ...)

The restaurant

Some outside shots.

  • This tour is exactly the same as the one I posted at N99, so some of you may have already seen it before.
  • I have test-played it and it runs pretty well, even the restaurant with the kitchen downstairs, which was something I feared. I hope to play it a little bit more :)


  1. It looks good, quite innovative to have the restaurant on two floors! And I like the idea of the card room being part of a mall :-)

  2. This is a great makeover! I really like the garden and playground area, and the open archway doors. I thought this lot was perfectly suited for a lot of little shops, and you totally showed that. Great lot!

  3. I loved seeing this again! You did an awesome job on the lot. I considered turning this lot into a mini-mall as well but I'm glad I didn't, seeing I don't think I could have done as nice a job as this. :)

  4. It looks great! That's awesome that the restaurant runs well with the kitchen downstairs. This lot works perfectly as a mall. Great job!

  5. Thank you for the nice comments every one! I really had fun doing it :)
